Eating Disorders

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The third most common disorder in adolescent is eating disorder (Reijonen, 2003). There are three types of eating disorder. The prevalence rate of eating disorder has been increasing over the past 50 years. They are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. These disorders start as early as adolescence that can cause psychological and medical problems. All three have similar etiology such as biological and sociocultural factors that develops the eating disorder. Even though the three types of eating disorder can overlap with similar characteristics, each type of disorder, there is a specific treatment that works best for one and not the other. Prevalence rates are difficult to calculate in adolescents due to adolescents not admitting that they have certain eating disorder symptoms. Another problem is that adolescents may not fully meet the criteria of diagnosis causing an underestimation of prevalence rates. Even with these limitations, epidemiologists were able to estimate the prevalence rates. Incidence rates for anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating in adolescen...

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