Eating Chocolate Research

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Impact of Eating Chocolate in Order to Improve Memory Previous research states that consumption of chocolate improves memory. My research report will attempt to prove that this hypothesis has some truth in it. It is a common wish for many people to ensure that their memory is up to date in order to perform various activities. Consider a student who is about to take a final test and ends up forgetting what he/she has been revising consistently over the past few days. More so, consider a person who is about to take an interview for a life time job opportunity only to end up getting memory lapses when asked some questions. According to recent researches by Jones and Wilson (2011), it is believed that in order to improve your memory, one need to consume chocolate regularly. Another research by Wong, Hideki, Anderson, and Skaarsgard (2009), it was seen that women performed better in memory tests than men after consuming chocolate. With this information based on previous researches, I will attempt to prove that indeed chocolate consumption improves the memory of individuals before they perform a task. I believe after reading this report you will be aware of the benefits associated with chocolate consumption not only for students but also for older people in their day to day activities. Consequently, the report explains why and how this chocolate works in order to bring out these benefits to the respective consumers. Methods I decided to set up a research in order to prove this hypothesis by use of my classmates. They were to help me in my research by working as samples that were on a test that will lead to valuable findings. I had to provide twenty five cups of chocolate before a lesson began to half of the samples (students) while mak... ... middle of paper ... ...with more reliable samples in order to improve the findings. Companies who manufacturer chocolate products should sponsor some of these researches as it will help them market their products even more. Writing of this research report has made me realize various things are essential when conducting a research. One of these essential things is doing a good literature review on the past researches on the topic. Additionally, one has to bring all the resources required together before starting the research. I ended wondering how I would provide chocolate for 25 students daily and also how I will make the other 25 cooperate without being given their share too. All in all writing this research report is both a worthy challenge and experience at the same time. Now I have the gist of what it takes to engage in a research and compile a report that might be criticized by many.

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