E.V.I.L.: Every Villain Is Lemons

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Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini are three of the world’s most detested dictators responsible for countless deaths. They all show signs of self-destructive behavior, paranoia, and narcissism. It is arguable that these acts of evil are innate, but it can also be argued that they are the product of a corrupt society. Ted Bundy, Adam Lanza, and Charles Manson are responsible for more than a handful of the most horrific murders in American history. These killers are all diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD); this causes people to be callous, possess a superficial charm, and they tend to have an inclination towards aggressive acts. While it is obvious that something went wrong in their genetic makeup, it is society that pushed them past their limits. In A Tale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens, there are two notable villains. One is an aristocrat referred to as the Younger Marquis St. Evrémonde, and the other is one of the leading revolutionaries introduced as Madame Defarge. These cruel personas are pushed to an extreme that is hard to come back from whether it ...

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