E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial Essay

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The large head is a portion of the body with the very large opaque black eyes, and have no noticeable ears and nose. The very small mouth above the lantern jaw, and there are no hair on the body. After looking over this description, what would be the first imagination on your mind?
The movie “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” which directed by Steven Spielberg could gives a better visual concept of this “creature”, which people called aliens. In this movie, an alien called ET was help by a troubled child Elliott to escape earth and go back his home-planet, the friendship between them has touched many audience. At this time, ask yourself, have you ever imagined that if you live with aliens, what the life around you would be? Would they help you to do anything you want with their superpower? Or would they become the most dangerous competitors in this small planet? However, whatever you might think about. There are some evidences that would provide that aliens exist, especially claim that they live in Area 51; the …show more content…

Earth along the line of latitude 30°forward, both in front of many wonderful natural landscape, but there are many unfathomable mystery, strange phenomenon, an it’s very obscure many of world famous mystery of natural and the seat of civilization(Trendyugg 1). Such as the Pyramid and the Sphinx in Egypt, the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Death Valley in California. They are all close to 30° N. What is the latitude of Area 51? Here is a detailed number, 37.2419537° N (Area 51 latitude 1). Worth thinking about, anyway. Meanwhile, 37° N is considered to be the high witness site of unidentified flying object(UFO). When you read up to here, some of you may disagree, because I mentioned Area 51 is a base which supports development or testing of experimental aircraft. Who can prove those were not some aircrafts under testing? Now is time to move on another section

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