Dystopian Society In Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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William Golding, author of Lord of the Flies, creates a dystopian society which displays civilized English schoolboys transform into human natures barbaric state. It starts after the crash of their school’s plane onto an uninhabited island where Golding demonstrates how humans have an innate compulsion to be corrupt and chaotic. The boys first want to mimic their British civilization, but later on their mindset starts to change when they lose hope on being rescued. In the beginning, they make a miniature democratic society which had the flaw of higher power. After hope of rescue starts to dwindle and the fear of the “beast” dawns on the boys, their sense of civilization begins to diminish, and the democratic society starts to crumble. The conditions that the boys went through shows how civilized citizens can turn into barbaric savages. …show more content…

For example, in the beginning, when the boys first came to the island they gave some respect to the pig they killed, as though they killed it with some decency. “‘Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.”’ (96). This quote is from Jack, the leader of the hunters, even though it sounds inhumane, their knowledge and mindsets were limited and straightforward at that time. They mutilated another pig further into the book, as the result of them thinking they don’t have future consequences. “‘Right up her ass! Did you hear? Did you hear what he said? Right up her ass!’” (195). The way that they killed the pig shows how twisted their mindset have become, and how barbaric their thoughts are by thinking it’s decent to mutilate animals. Robert was an example on the corrupt actions that they did while on the island because there were no restrictions. The killing of the pigs validates the before and after mental state of the boys and the journey they went through to become

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