Dystopia In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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You’re in an unknown place in an unknown time. When you wake up in the morning there is nothing but a cold bed and a hollowed out person to bring you out of your slumber and welcome you back into the world. You are living in a society where no one shows emotion, where no one cares about the person standing next to them. You live in a nice big house with a nice green yard and you have a job that you seem to love. There aren’t any books anymore and people don’t think for themselves. Things are not looking good. The world isn’t anything like it used to be, no one cares enough anymore. The people you are living amongst have lost all faith. Fahrenheit 451 is about what can happen to a society if we let technology get the better of us. Bradbury wants …show more content…

It is literally translated as "not-good place", an antonym of utopia.” In this story people kill each other, life has no worth, people don’t have their own thoughts and they just blend in with the crowd and have “fun”. The people living in this city don’t think that books are good and that they are destroying their society. People are committing suicide every day and every night. The first responders are now being trained to deal with healing people who tried to kill themselves, just like you would know how to treat a normal everyday cut that you get on your finger or knee. Also from Mildred’s perspective Clairisse was just another silly girl who didn’t know how to have fun and she viewed Clairese differently than everyone else. When talking about Clarisse, Mildred sad, “You ask Why to a lot of things and you wind up very unhappy indeed, if you keep at it. The poor girl’s better off dead.” This also shows how little life means to people in this society. Another example of how meaningless life actually is to people living here is when Montag was walking across the highway to get to the gas station. When he was walking there several teenagers going as fast as they can just trying to run over him for no reason. After the incident Montag says to himself, “For no reason at all they would have killed me.” Bradbury also lets us know that the people don’t celebrate the life of the person after they die because no one cares enough to do so.. Once a person dies they just die and there is nothing else to be said about it. In this city war is talked about a lot, whether it be Montag debating on whether he is really happy or not or the war going on between the government and the people who have/own books, or to the extent of the city blowing itself up. When you think of war you think of death and fear and hatred against someone or something, you could also say it is a very bad thing which is

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