Dyslexia Case Study

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1. The first non-dominant hand activity that I tried was writing the alphabet backwards. This activity was very difficult because it was hard for my hand to move in a smooth motion like it does with my dominant hand. It was also quite difficult to write the letters of the alphabet backwards because I was having to slowly say the alphabet out loud to make sure I was putting the letters in the correct order. I can easily say the alphabet backwards when I am speaking, but as I began to write them down, I realized it becomes more challenging because I’m having to focus on the movements of my hand along with the order of the alphabet. My handwriting was very messy and it was hard for me to stay inside the lines. I also saw myself having to think …show more content…

When I was writing the alphabet backwards, I was having a hard time with memorizing the letters and organizing them in my head from left to right. This resulted in me having to write them a lot slower than usual. One of the early signs of children having dyslexia is how they grip a writing utensil in their hand. Holding a writing utensil too many early child with dyslexia is very uncomfortable and that’s how I felt when I was having to use my non-dominant hand. In general this activity links to learning disabilities because many students with a learning disability have a hard time with short-term, long-term, and working memory. After I said the alphabet aloud and then I tried to write the alphabet backwards, it was difficult for me to remember the order of the letters that I said aloud. Students with a learning disability have a hard time recalling the information shortly after it is presented. Using my non-dominant hand to write the alphabet, brush my teeth, and paint my toe nails, links to a student with a learning disability because it affected my long-term and working memory and made the tasks a challenge. I forgot how to use the same motor skills in my non-dominant hand that I use on a daily basis with my dominant hand. The steps and the motions that I usually take in order to complete these tasks were gone and I was having to try and reteach my non-dominant hand how to complete the task properly. When I use my dominant hand, I don’t have to think about what I am doing, but with my non-dominant hand I

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