Dwight D. Eisenhower's Legacy

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Eisenhower was a strong and loyal president. He had military, school, and law as his most achieved hobbies and jobs in life. He was the leader of the allied forces in Europe during WWII. He was a tough leader that taught his followers well. President during the scariest time this country as probably ever faced the Cold War. He was a Republican with strong military power. He was widely known as Ike because all the boys in his family were called Ike so it carried on into his adult life.

Dwight D. Eisenhower’s childhood was poor but happy. Ike was born in Texas in 1890. He grew up with seven siblings in Abilene, Kansas..As a young boy Eisenhower excelled in school. He was a great football player and good at pretty much every other sport. His family of seven was very poor so he couldn’t go to college so he decided that he would go to military school. They all helped each other out throughout their lives. …show more content…

He is known as a general in WWII. Then as a president during the Cold War. This amount of terror and violence would not be seen in America until 9-11. He helped the stock market and built the economy back up. Eisenhower was very strong in foreign affairs. He felt very strongly against communism. He was criticized that he did not do enough for civil rights in the U.S. but was later found to do things with a “hidden hand”. He was unable to secure a test-ban treaty, which he hoped would be a very important part of his legacy. For years he had battled forces in congress and within his administration over increased defense spendings. Eisenhower talked eloquently about how “every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.” Eisenhower disliked arms merchants that took advantage of the Cold War paranoia of the day to increase the profits margins, so they could increase the country's military

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