Durkheim's Extra-Social Causes Of Suicide

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Durkheim identified and affirmed his work in relation to the extra-social causes of suicide by the use of argument by elimination (Durkheim, 1897; Jones, 1986). Lukes (1972) found that this logical fallacy, petitio principii, was a feature of Durkheim’s work as a whole. Although he concludes this may be more damaging to the presentation of his ideas than to the quality of his ideas. This brought up criticisms as it was viewed that the method was self-serving at times (Jones, 1986). He dismissed pathological states as a cause, as he found that variations in suicide rates within the same type were vast, which supported his view that variations were down to the civilization of individuals (Jones, 1986). He also dismissed cosmic factors as a factor, …show more content…

He questioned the validity of the suicide statistics Durkheim used, as he said that suicide verdicts are like criminal statistics, meaning that they are a product of interactions and negotiations between the families, doctors and coroners involved. Durkheim acknowledged the unsoundness of the statistics used, but at the time there were little statistical techniques so he had to fashion them as he went along (Simpson, 1952). He argued that suicide rates were social constructs not social facts, which is an argument reminiscent of Atkinson’s (1978) which will be developed later in the essay. He also objected Durkheim’s work on the basis of the causation. He put forward an interesting argument on this front, detailing that, contrary to what Durkheim stated, high levels of integration does not prevent suicide rather it affects the probability of the death being categorized as a suicide as friends and family can conceal it, due to the social stigma at the time (Douglas, 1967). On this same basis he discredited Durkheim conclusion that because suicide rates were lower in Catholic countries than in Protestant countries, that therefore integration, or in this case lack of, caused suicide, as the Catholic religion placed a greater emphasis on community. Douglas attributed this to the fact that in Catholicism, suicide is a mortal sin and thus many suicides would not have been

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