Dupont Analysis: The Financial Analysis Of Walmart

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Walmart Stakeholders analysis The retail industry death by Amazon streak led Walmart to success. Walmart stakeholders like every brick and mortar retailer were concerned with the Amazon apocalypse as more and more retail stores were closing from Target to Macy’s to Sears and thousands of employees lost their jobs. That fear led a lot of traders to hold Walmart stock on short interest as they though that Walmart is going down too as Amazon was a major concern on many stakeholders’ minds from suppliers to customers to investors to banks. However, Walmart adapted to the new game and excelled. Walmart defied the traders’ speculations and had them turnaround a few weeks before it issued 2017 Q3 earnings report on Thursday November 16 which proved …show more content…

• Net profit Margin will be discussed in the Dupont Analysis Walmart ROE Dupont Analysis Dupont ROE 01/31/2017 01/31/2016 01/31/2015 net profit margin 0.028 0.030 0.034 asset turnover 2.439 2.392 2.379 equity multiplier 2.516 2.489 2.590 ROE 0.172 0.181 0.208 The Dupont analysis shows that every dollar of assets generates 2.44 in sales which is great considering it was already good in 2014 and 2015 and keeps improving each year, the equity multiplier is 2.516 indicating that ROE is generated through efficient use of equity and leverage of 60% that can be increased slightly to surge ROE. Assets turnover growth is impressive considering other competitors in the industry have closed many stores from losses caused by Amazon market share growth and Costco and Walmart low prices. Amazon ROE Dupont Analysis Dupont ROE 12/31/2016 12/31/2015 12/31/2014 net profit margin 0.017 0.006 0.003 asset turnover 1.836 1.795 1.880 equity multiplier 4.535 4.943 4.621 ROE 0.145 0.049

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