Duke And Duchess Of Sancho

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Even though loyalty is a timeless concept that was heavily covers throughout the entire novel, an equally important topic in the novel was the misconception of the lower class at the time had on the higher class. The final message that represents with characters was that the social status of someone has no relation to the worth of someone. The characters that best display this topic are the previously mentions unnamed duke and duchess. People who because of their lax lifestyle take on a cruel persona to gain enjoyment from the misfortune of the protagonist. Instead of being chivalrous nobles they are vindictive, unlike the commoner Sancho. An example of this was that they uses their status to bully others like when they pressures Sancho into, …show more content…

With the author letting the viewers become less acceptable to the word of others, while also putting a scratch on the facade of the upper class. Another method the author uses the duke and duchess was to display that people cannot be thought to be sophisticated just because of their upbringing. For instance when the duke broke his promise to a servant when he had said servant, “soundly banged, for not doing as he ordered me in that matter” (Later). In this incident the immaturity of the Duke fully displays, allowing the viewers to see the true persona of the duke. What the author is presenting here is not that the upper class is evil, nor that all commoners are like Sancho, but that people are not defined by their background, but their actions[two buts, need to remove]. The last way the author uses the characters the duke and duchess were to present the message that those of you are not necessarily happy. This was shown in the novel specifically when, “duke and duchess to get up the elaborate plot that has been describes. Eight hundred crowns with a cavalry of forty four went up to the conquest of fooling Don Quixote.”

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