Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Essay

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Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or DMD, was named after neurologist Guillaume Duchenne. During the late nineteenth century, Duchenne carried out experiments that included taking a biopsy of the living tissues from boys with DMD. Because of these experiments, Duchenne was the first to conclude that the disease was based in the muscles. Muscular dystrophy is a type of genetic disease that causes the progression of muscle atrophy and weakness. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is characterized as the rapid developing form of muscular dystrophy, and predominantly occurs in young males generally between the ages of three and five. Out of roughly three and half thousand births around the world, one baby will have this disease.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy …show more content…

These symptoms usually occur during early childhood, age one to six, and even sometimes as early as infancy. Normally, the delay of motor skill development is the first obvious symptom of DMD. Between the ages of six and eleven, symptoms of muscle …show more content…

Also, there is not a known treatment that has single handedly stopped the source or progression of the disease. However, there are many new and assuring treatments that are being clinically tested now. Most of the treatment that patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy undergo is generally targeted towards their symptoms. Medicinal and physical therapy help to manage these symptoms to help patients live a more comfortable lifestyle. To accurately diagnose a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, genetic testing is essential. Some diagnostic tools to aid in this determination include patient and family history, a CK level blood test, and a physical examination. Patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy have a life expectancy up to their teen years. Now however, these patients have been able to live up into their thirties. Survival of this disease has increased in recent years due to medical advancements. Now patients with DMD are living into their thirties, getting married, having kids, and pursuing careers. Last year, researchers conducted an experiment using CRISPR as a method to take out the mutated DMD gene from the DNA of

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