Dual Relationship Essay

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In some cultures having a multiple relationship with a client can be consider respectful rather than exploitation. The reason I was interested in this code of ethics to critique is based on my cultural background and the norms. Coming from a Persian culture it is very disrespectful to come across someone we know in a public and not say greetings. As a future therapist working with Persian population, I will run across this problem at some point in my career. Looking at this issue from an ethical point of view, it is understandable why having a dual relationship can be more harmful for a client. Nevertheless, considering the cultural values in this matter will create more disastrous to the client. As we all know, most therapist get their clients …show more content…

This been said, most Persian clients will trust their therapist more, when they experience an interaction with their therapist outside of therapy. For most people, it is very important that their therapist also maintains a social life outside of work which get represent a good sense of humor that can be reassurance of trust in therapy. When working in a small community, it can be very common to come across these multiple relationships which the therapist must let the client make the initial move to avoid any confidentiality problems. In other cases the client prefers to seek therapy based on their previous relationship with a therapist, acknowledging the fact that they trust that person and prefer to get help from someone they already know. This dual relationship can be a benefit for the client based on the fact that, they already trust the therapist and are willing to receive guidance knowing their therapist well experienced from past history. If an individual is willing to even mention therapy to a therapist they are acquaintance with then it shows an aspiration that they want to come and get help. In this case if the therapist turns away the client, they might be doing more harm to them and creating a dual relationship in which is considered unethical. When someone is turned away from therapy based on the fact that the therapist refused to see them

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