Drunk Driving Research Paper

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Drunk driving is an extremely dangerous safety risk for not only yourself, but every other person on the roads. As soon as alcohol reaches your stomach, it is distributed throughout your body in the blood stream, and it takes between 20-40 minutes to reach your brain. Once the alcohol reaches your brain it affects your judgement and ability to make decisions which are crucial skills to have when you are driving. Along with drunk driving, drivers must be careful with their drug intake. Although these drugs might just be your average cold medicine, it is important to understand the appropriate dosage and when you are allowed to drive. If your alcohol content is above .08 grams then you are 6 times as likely to be involved in a car crash, and over half of …show more content…

In the Lives Affected video, it discussed many incidents where the families of lost loved ones discussed the accidents that killed their son/daughter/spouse/fiance/etc. One of the stories talked about a girl who had lost her fiance in a drunk driving crash. Her story was that the drunk driver entered the wrong way onto the freeway and killed her husband. She talked about how much she loved him, missed him, and how she had wanted to start a life with him. Because of the drunk driver making this reckless decision, she lost the chance to ever do these things. Another story was of some grandparents talking about the loss of their 4 month old grandchild. They talked about how they received a call from their daughter telling them that they needed to take care of the kids at the hospital while she attended to the husband. The grandma talked about the grief of having to watch her daughter take her child off of life support and how greatly that affected her. Drunk driving affects all of us. Whether we like it or not, at some point a drunk

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