Drug Use In Adolescents: A Case Study

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In society adolescents face a number of problems. Teens face many different problems wherever they are, but the problem that seems to cause the most problems today for teens are drugs. With drugs come many different problems. Why do adolescents take drugs? There are several factors that can contribute to teens using drugs: peer pressure, family factors, they choose to do them, genetics and stress. One of the biggest factors for teens using drugs is peer pressure. The definition of peer pressure is “social pressure by members of one's peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted.” The desire to fit in ensures that there is always new teens that may later become addicted. This is an important factor when it comes to drug use. According to Reachout.com, there are two ways peer pressure affects teens. Those ways are directly and indirectly. For direct pressure it is having …show more content…

This could be due to that they might have had an unpleasant upbringing and being neglected by their parents. Children learn by observing the environment around them. If they see someone do something, they will attempt to emulate that behavior. By watching their parents or other family members in the act of drug use, the likeliness of them doing the same thing increases. Siegel, L. J., & Welsh, B. (2014) states: Social psychologists suggest that drug abuse patterns may also result from observation of parental drug use. Youths who learn that drugs provide pleasurable sensations may be most likely to experiment with illegal substances; a habit may develop if the use experiences lower anxiety and fear. (p. 279) Furthermore genetics can help push a young teen into drugs. If their parents abused drugs then it is likely that trait will also be passed down through to them in their genes. It could also show what type of drugs that they would be susceptible to. Alcoholrehab.com

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