Drug Bust Satire

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Hundreds of drug busts go down across the US each year. The cash property that is seized will ultimately be used by the Police Departments that seized it. The drugs that were seized are destroyed immediately. The punishment for a drug bust is 2 or 3 years in jail. The estimated total cost for substance abuse in the United States in the year of 2012 was $600 billion. This total cost includes the $193 billion for illegal drugs, $193 billion for tobacco, and $235 billion for alcohol. It’s legal for you to take drugs that a doctor gives you. If a doctor DOES NOT give you a prescription for the drug than it is considered illegal. The use of drugs have a negative impact on not just those who use them, but also their friends people is that when you take or do them, it will make you loopsy and you won’t remember anything that and families. The most obvious effects of drugs on was happening at the time. Sometimes, abusing drugs can cause you to become extremely sick, or even kill you. If you’re caught with illegal drugs you can be sent to jail, and even go to prison for a long period of time. Just think, why would you want to …show more content…

When people abuse drugs they can get different diseases. For example, when people do heroin, they can get needle borne illnesses. You can also get diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis. Also, you can receive lung cancer, rotten teeth, hair loss, addiction, insomnia, dilated pupils, and loss of appetite those are side effects that can occur to your body while you're on drugs. The side effects that can happen to your brain is it can cause irreparable damage to your brain cells, consequently you lose your memory, dementia, irrational decision making, suicidal depression, nightmares, hallucinations, impaired depth, time perception, and last but not least impairment. The side effects that are listed should make you want to never ever

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