Dress Codes In Australia

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The Australian people and the way live are not as different as one might think. They do some different ways of living, and different ways of believing, but one thing they are not is negative or mean. Most live a happy modest life, most are happy and want everyone around them to be as happy as they are. They have had their difficulties but always come back on top. The Australians diverse way of looking at life has shown that they truly are what they seem to be friendly, down to earth and very conscientious about their way of living truly sets them a side from most places in the world. Australian culture is a society made up of many cultural groups that have a large range of different lifestyles and patterns. This type of behavior …show more content…

Workplaces usually have dress codes depending on what type of environment it is. Office jobs generally require you to dress neatly, cleanly and modestly, even if the dress code is business casual. In the public, there are no laws or rules regarding clothing. Many people will dress to suit their style, express themselves, or for the weather. During the warmer months, beaches can be a popular location for all Australians, and people tend to dress accordingly - bathing suits, shorts and flip-flops. Wearing your national dress for religious or customary purposes is also widely accepted in Australia. It is polite in Australia to shake someone's right hand when you meet him or her for the first time. This is also customary for business practices. Close friends, it is common to greet each other with a kiss on the …show more content…

90% of the time Australia is warm or hot, the other 10% it is cold or cooler. Like most people, Australians adapt to the daily temperature changes with easy. Most people keep a jacket, an umbrella, and a change of clothes and shoes in their cars for the temperature drops or rises. Australia has several different types of terrain throughout the country, so while on one side of the continent, it could be hot, and people are on the beaches, the other side might be raining and cold. Australia is the world's second-driest continent with average annual rainfall below 23 feet over 80% of the continent, and below 11 over

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