Dred Scott Research Paper

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A slave suing for their master? Shocking! First of all, Dred Scott was a slave in the 1800s and not like the other slaves. Instead of trying to escape, he worked twice as hard! Of course he dreamed of being free, but not from escaping, but by legal rights. Dred scott was a brave man for suing for his rights, one of the first! Firstly, Dred wasn't his real name. His real name was Sam Scott, the reason why he changed his name was because His name was originally Sam Blow, Blow being the name of his slave owner. He changed it to Dred Scott to honor his deceased brother whose name was Dred Scott. Also, Dred was born a slave, he was born in 1795, southampton county, virginia. And was slaved by the blow family. Secondly, Dred Scott made history

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