Dramatic Irony In Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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Imagine if you are so excited that your husband died and he walks in your front door,how would you feel? Bad, just like how Mrs. Mallard felt when she saw her husband walk through, she died instantly. In this story Mrs.Mallard’s husband died. At first, she was sorta sad but then she realized she now had a life of her own. In this story marriages were forced and things because this was in like the 1950s. After Mrs. Mallard heard her husband died in a car wreck she started getting happy. Then, Mr. Mallard walked through the front door and Mrs. Mallard died at the sight of him. The doctors at the hospital thought Mrs. Mallard died of joy but we know she didn't die of joy. That leads us to our 2 types of irony, Situational and Dramatic Irony. The doctors think she died of joy, but we as the reader know that she died because …show more content…

That is an perfect example of Dramatic Irony. We know she didn't die of joy. I think this is a good place to put because it is at the end and keeps us like wanting to let the people know she didn't die of joy. This also contributed to the plot because the people are gonna think she didn’t want her husband to die. If this irony wasn't in the story I think the story would not change just because of the doctors think she died of the opposite of joy, which she did, then it still wouldn't really change the story in my opinion. Also when Mr. Mallard walked through that door, even we as the reader were very shocked to see him alive, That is an example of Situational Irony. I think the Irony was used in the right spot and it contributed to the plot because as soon as he walked through the door it killed Mrs Mallard. Apparently Mrs. Mallard was shocked as well, as she died at the sight of him. If this irony wasn't in the story, which means Mr. Mallard wouldn't come back, then Mrs. Mallard would be alive and she would have a happy free life. Overall, this story was very interesting. It explains how marriages were back then, how they

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