Dramatic Foils In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Frankenstein Report
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was written for more than just a ghostly scare. In Frankenstein, Shelley’s characters show similarities and relationships throughout the play. Shelly created characters and purposely used some of them for dramatic foils. The main question that has arisen over the years is who is the protagonist? Is the protagonist Victor or his creature?
One quality that Victor and his creature share is intelligence. Victor is an intellectual individual who excels in science and technology. Victor had the knowledge to create a new version of mankind. This kind of knowledge is not a quality that many people have. Victor takes advantage of his knowledge and discovers a whole new part of science. When Victor started this experiment, he never thought of the consequences it could have. The creature displays his intelligence by learning how to communicate with people just by watching cottagers from afar. The creature had enough self-discipline and perseverance to learn multiple languages. This is not like speaking English and learning to speak Spanish with help. The creature learned his first words and had to figure out how they were used and what they stood for all on his own. He did not have anyone to discuss his findings or his questions with. Victor and the creature’s intelligence are way beyond the …show more content…

In Frankenstein, nature has a way of rejuvenating the characters and helping them in their daily lives. Nature helps Victor by restoring him to health after he created the creature and lost him and when he lost his loved ones. The creature saw nature as his safe haven. Nature made the creature feel safe, and in the novel he tells Victor that the beauty of nature is one of the only things that had made him happy. Throughout this novel, nature made the creature feel not as lonely, and nature made it more bearable to be on his

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