Dracula Research Paper

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Have you ever heard of Medusa or Dracula before? Well, you should have, medusa and Dracula are both famous monsters that have appeared in literature. Dracula is one of the most timeless monsters in literature and one of the first examples of a “classic vampire”. Medusa is one of the more famous villainous characters because of their - like looks and abilities. While people have wondered whether or not Dracula and medusa are a myth, their history has shown what they really are. The novel “Dracula” was written by Bram Stoker. Though Dracula is a purely fictional character, stoker named him after a real person who happens to have a taste for blood. Bram Stoker’s vampire “dracula” was named after the 15th century Romanian Prince Vlad Dracul …show more content…

The Gorgons were sisters of the Graiai and lived by the Hesperides. The gorgon sisters were Sthenno, Euryale, and Medusa. Of the three sisters, Medusa was the only immortal one. Medusa was always represented of a female creature for having snakes as her hair. She’s the only sister that was sometimes known as being beautiful. She was originally a beautiful woman until tragedy fell upon her. Athena puts her under a curse which turned her gorgeous hair into snakes. Her gentle warm eyes turned into blood-shot which screamed fear and disgust onto an onlooker. She turned anyone who looks at her into stone. Why would Athena punish her so brutally you ask? Well, Athena is a virgin Goddess, and Medusa was a priestess in her temple. Poseidon raped medusa in Athena’s temple. This to her was sinful. Today, medusa is feared by a lot of individuals. Just the thought of her scare people. Her ability to turn others into stone. She has snakes as hair which a lot of people find creepy. She has an evil glare that stares into your soul. Because of her fascinating and horrifying characteristics, she has been featured in a lot of movies. She’s been in Percy Jackson,Clash Of The Titans, Hercules, Wrath Of The Titans, etc. she’s also been featured in video games and plenty of books. Medusa will always remain one of the most popular and enduring figures in Greek

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