Dr. William Lane Craig Analysis

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Dr. William Lane Craig believes for the existence of God. The existence of God is the best explanation of the origin of the universe, as well as the fine tuning of the universe for intelligent life. God is the explanation of the existence of our moral values and our responsibilities. God explains a wide range of the information of human understanding. God can be personally known if you believe and put your faith in God. Dr. Craig believes in order to create the universe, the creator must be uncaused, nonphysical, immaterial and powerful. If the universe began to exist, then the universe has a cause to its beginning. The universe began exist. Therefore, the universe has a cause of its beginning. The enhancement of the universe is due to design. …show more content…

Craig’s belief of the existence of God is that God did not create the universe but rather the universe came into existence by the big bang theory. From what science and the technology such as the Hubble telescope, we have we have learned that the universe keeps expanding. If we reverse the Big Bang, then it eventually comes into nothing. Another objection can be that just like with most things in this world, we still do not have the answers, but with emerging technology and new breakthroughs we will eventually make new discoveries and have new answers with new questions. Also, with the world and humans being self-destructive, there being natural disasters, people killing people, continuous wars, theft, people scared for their lives, anything bad happening in general, the need for an all-powerful God is what some people might solely rely on to be able to see past all the bad that happens in this world. The need for a God, we can even call it superstition, of having a God that can give people hope that no matter how bad things get, everything will turn out fine in the end. Can God be considered an ad hoc? Dr. Craig might respond to my objection with his perception that anything that has a beginning or start cannot come from nothing. Therefore, the belief of God and his power created the universe is a more plausible explanation. When it comes to all the bad things and suffering in this world, Dr. Craig might respond with that God created free will for people

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