Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Duality Essay

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To look at the duality in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Macbeth. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: In this essay, I am going to look at the idea of duality means an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts of two aspects of something: a dualism. This is expressed in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by means of Dr Jekyll being good and gentlemanly, it is the Victorian times after all, where reputation and respect were very important, and Mr Hyde being evil and uncouth, which is the opposite of Dr Hyde. Reputation was important, if you were married you were not allowed to hire prostitutes as it would damage their reputation. Mr Utterson: Mr Utterson is described as lovable and friendly but also described as dreary and never lighted by a smile, this shows …show more content…

He is used to upper class and good looking citizens, which Mr Hyde is neither. This makes me have a dislike for Mr Hyde as he seems rude and Dr Lanyon’s for judging him by the way he looks. The description of his clothes being “enormously too large for him,” because of his small and ape like structure, further supporting Lombroso’s theory. This gives me an image of a small ugly person in hulk-likes clothes, hunched over, untrustworthy, a person hiding in big clothes. “Abnormal and misbegotten,” These are the words that Dr Lanyon would describe Mr Hyde, as if he is hiding something and all is not normal or right. This confirms my suspicion that Mr Hyde should not be …show more content…

Lady Macbeth takes on the traditional role of the masculine, as she is the one who encourages Macbeth to commit regicide. She describes him as ‘too full of the milk of human kindness,’ Lady Macbeth says this because she wants Macbeth and her to be in power. Lady Macbeth is mocking his manhood to goad him into murdering King Duncan to assume power. The effect this has on Macbeth is a negative one, as it makes him paranoid and insane. The reason he took notice is that he could not let Lady Macbeth seem like more of a man than him, so he went through with the

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