Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Case Study

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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has an elaborate plot. The story begins by Mr. Gabriel John Utterson, an elderly lawyer, having a walk with his young cousin Richard Enfield. When they see a scarred and weather-beaten door, Richard tells Mr. Utterson a story that had something to with that particular door. Richard had been coming home late at night. As he neared an intersection, he saw a man collide with a little girl. The man had then stamped right on her and continued on his way. Richard had chased after him and caught him. The short man was so repulsive Richard didn’t even want to touch him. The man however wasn’t deformed or scarred on his face. It was just that there was something strange and detestable about him. Richard and other people had demanded that the man pay 100 pounds for what he had done or else they would blacken his name throughout London. The man gave ten pounds in gold and the rest in a check. The check was signed by a very prestigious man, Dr. Jekyll. The repulsive man, whose name is Edward Hyde, had gone into that very door to get the check. This concerned and disturbed Mr. Utterson since Dr. Jekyll, who was an old friend of him, had just changed his will so that if Dr. Jekyll were to disappear or have an unexplained absence of more than three months, everything he owned would go to Edward Hyde. Mr. Utterson is also afraid that Hyde is blackmailing Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Utterson then manages to meet Hyde who gives him his address. After one uneventful year, a maid girl sees Mr. Hyde beat a man to death with a cane. The man was Sir Danders Carew. He was a Member of the Parliament and a client of Mr. Utterson. Mr. Utterson and Inspector Newcomen went to Soho where Hyde lives. They entered Hyde’s apart... ... middle of paper ... ...himself changed into Hyde without drinking the serum. After this, Dr. Jekyll decided to stay himself and for two months and he was a good man. But then Hyde took control. One night he struck at Sir Danders Carew until his cane broke. Realizing that he would soon be caught, Hyde went to his apartment in Soho and burned all of his papers and fled. One day at a park, Dr. Jekyll suddenly changed into Hyde. Since Dr. Jekyll had broken the key to the back door of his lab so that Hyde couldn’t come in again and he couldn’t enter through the house since his servants would hand him over to the police, Hyde couldn’t reach his potion to change back. So he asked Dr. Lanyon for help which is why Dr. Lanyon died. Dr. Jekyll wasn’t able to recreate the potion so he was to remain as Hyde forever after writing the letter to Mr. Utterson. The end of the letter finishes the story.

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