Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

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Jung insisted pleasure seeking, and conflict resolution is a part of human nature: Plus, religion and mystical archetypal combined influence one’s personality and behavior. Some conflicts arise due to repressed ancestral memories and past experiences that can impact the individual’s future aspirations (Alho, 2009). Likewise, Carlisle (1993) recalled, dissociative behaviors appear as pathological manifestations necessary for the conscious to operate unhampered by life’s demands. In this respect, dissociation applies to the natural hierarchy of the human psyche, with underlying attitudes for normal functioning. Adding the “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde functionality of the human mind” (p. 25). Carlisle (1993) concluded, each bare reason for the structural interplay between the adult, parent, and Gerald’s child-self. For example, Carlisle (1993) understood, “Dissociation, fantasy, and compartmentalization enhance personality and behavioral differences” (p. 25). Moreover, in “Extreme cases of childhood trauma psychological issues can emerge” (p. 26), soliciting memories hidden in the subconscious later resting in the concepts of self and identity. Whereby, the relationship between dissociation, repression, and self could be due to libido suppression. Porter (2013) explained, Jung deduced, individual choices are subjective and suggestive residing at the “Core of the spiritual self” (p. 249). When there is a lack of libido, depression may arise, and the unconscious will attempt to direct the conscious energy in a rational direction. For example, if a person is hungry, sleepy, or desires sex, the libido energy force tries to fulfill those needs through objects. Each object holds distinct values for one’s subjective judgments and tendencies,... ... middle of paper ... ... mother, opposite for their father is aggression. For young Gerald, conforming to his mother’s wishes could have a threefold effect. One, this could attribute back to a boy’s sexual desire and the natural manly instinct to care for their mother. Also, this could explain the secret internet prowling, as the need to take care of one’s mother, is represented through other women (physically and financially), and his uncontrollable impulses for sexual encounters. Two, there might have been some aggression towards his father, since he has a child from another woman, and his mother was agitated by this fact. Three, Gerald’s uncle, here Gerald’s extramarital affairs could be signs of proving himself a heterosexual man. Further, his different personas (pimp, a street dealer, etc.) and his desire to be revered and feared, all give him the strength to fight off his aggressor.

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