Dr Edward Hyde Character Analysis

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This story revolves around a person with two different personalities and was written in late 19th century in the city of London, England. Dr Henry Jekyll is the person with good character and the character who is bad, cruel and wicked is Mr Edward Hyde. These two personalities came about because Dr Jekyll believed that there are two sides to a person’s character which are the good side and the dark side. As a scientist he carried out the research to produce a drug that could change a person’s character. After years for his extensive research, he could transform himself from Dr Jekyll into the evil Mr Edward Hyde. Mr Edward hyde is the dark side of Dr Jekyll. He is physically, emotionally, mentally different from Dr Jekyll who is kind and friendly. He is wild and commit numerous crimes. When he wants to change into Dr Jekyll, he has to drink another potion. Soon, when the drugs became less effective, Dr Jekyll lost control of his characters as he could change into Mr Hyde without drinking the potion in front of other people and this secret was revealed by Mr Utterson. Dr Jekyll was torn between two characters.When he could not stand it anymore, …show more content…

This belief stamped from his own desire to do evil and have fun. But his reputation does not allow him to do so. So, he experimented with a drug that could transform him to the other person with completely different of mental and physical. Edward Hyde was a cruel and evil man. He trampled on a little girl and brutally murdered Sir Danvers Carew. Even though he could hide himself when he transformed into Dr Jekyll, he could not rest in peace. The drugs that were created by Dr Jekyll became less effective and soon he could not control himself from transforming into Edward Hyde. As he could not bear the condition any longer, He decided to finish his life and commits suicide. Therefore, he was punished for all the crimes and things he had

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