Dr. Craig Hazen's Article 'Ridiculous Religulous'

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When reading the article, Ridiculous Religulous, readers get a clear view of Dr. Craig Hazen’s personal views on the movie. He provides a thorough and factual view of Religulous, but not without many flaws, which make the readers question his authenticity. Although Ridiculous Religulous contains many flaws, Dr. Craig Hazen clearly shows the readers a fresh opinion on Religulous that one may not see. Hazen starts his review by stating that this movie is anything but original. He claims that those who might enjoy it would need to be Maher fans. Hazen states that this movie really does not have anything to offer its viewers, even though it claims to tell the truth about religion. The movie brings up two points: the New Testament was written way later than the events actually happened and the stories of Jesus are just a poor retelling of other myths. Hazen debunks these myths by stating citations from scripture and pointing out Maher’s lack of citations and research. Hazen concludes his essay by evaluating the topic of faith and clearly states that this movie does not deserve a sequel. …show more content…

Throughout reading the essay, readers can clearly see that Hazen is a very religious man. This creates a very bias view on the movie and shows why he found no humor in Religulous. However, once the reader gets past the bias view of Hazen they can see that he provides some good insight. He shows the readers that if they were looking to gain any knowledge from this movie than they will be let down. Maher conducted zero research throughout creating this movie and the “facts” that he presents are simply wrong. Hazen quotes scripture to prove his argument about the New Testament and clearly has vast knowledge about

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