Doxycycline Research Paper

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Can doxycycline help me get pregnant? Becoming pregnant is something that is a struggle for many women, especially when certain infections and diseases are involved. These infections can make it harder to conceive because they can affect the health of the woman and her reproductive system. Some infections can also affect the health of a woman's eggs and make it difficult for her to release an egg at all. When this is the case, the woman will not be able to conceive and medical attention will be required. Doxycycline Doxycycline is a drug that is used to treat quite a few of infections that could make it harder for a woman to conceive. For example, it has been used to treat syphilis, Lyme disease, and even chlamydia infections. When these infections are not treated properly, it is possible for issues to develop with the woman's health that could affect her permanently. But, by treating them with this drug, these infections are most often …show more content…

For example, it could affect their teeth or their skin permanently. However, these risks are often outweighed by the danger the woman and the baby would be in if she were not to take the drug while she is pregnant. Does it Help with Conception? Directly, doxycycline does not really affect a woman's ability to conceive. By itself, it will not cause a woman to begin ovulating regularly or for her eggs health to be improved. However, since the infections that the drug treats can make it harder for a woman to conceive, it is definitely something that may need to be taken in order for a woman to conceive. Whenever you have an infection, it is always best to treat it properly. Doing so can help you to make sure you are always healthy and have the best chances of conceiving quickly. You should also talk to your doctor about trying to conceive while you are taking the drug in order to make sure it is safe to do

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