Phineas Gage, Henrietta Lacks, And Douglas Mawson

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Mawson’s Adversities Phineas Gage, Henrietta Lacks, and Douglas Mawson are people who faced many different challenges, some on purpose and some accidentally, to contribute to science. Phineas Gage had an iron rod shoot through his head, Henrietta Lacks who had scientist take cells out of her body without her permission, and Douglas Mawson faced many difficulties on such a brutal journey through Antarctica. Even though all of these people have gone through some incredible things, there is one who faced more adversity and stood out from the rest, and that is Douglas Mawson. One reason why Douglas Mawson faced the most adversity is because he lost a lot on his journey (as seen in “Into the Unknown”). He and a few others went on an expedition in Antarctica. While he was on his expedition, he had to kill the huskies that that they brought with them because they became weak. Some of his sledding partners fell into a crevasse in the ice; they had to walk …show more content…

Mawson did not have a lot of food left, so he had to plan out to make it last longer. In the article “Into the Unknown” it states, “The food was almost gone, and his own physical state was deplorable, with open sores on his nose, lips...; his hair coming out in clumps; and skin peeling off his legs. And he still had a hundred miles to go.” This passages shows the struggles Mawson goes through on his journey. Also, physically Mawson was not well. His feet were severely cut and every step that he made caused him so much pain, and yet he continued on. Mawson was thinking that he had no chance to survive, but that did not stop him from trying. When he reach a hut the people did not recognize him, but he knew them. When Mawson eventually reached Australia he was greeted as a national hero because of his discoveries (Into the Unknown). Even though Mawson clearly faced the most adversity, some people think that Phineas Gage faced more

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