Dorian Gray Character Analysis James Vane

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was a shallow person but he still wants a lover but by the time he made his decision it was too late because she was dead.
James Vane - Sibyl’s brother, a sailor bound for Australia. James cares deeply for his sister and worries about her relationship with Dorian. Distrustful of his mother’s motives, he believes that Mrs. Vane’s interest in Dorian’s wealth disables her from properly protecting Sibyl. As a result, James is hesitant to leave his sister.
James wanted nothing but the best for his sister he thought it was wrong with his mother and his sister on the plan to take dorian 's money if she didn 't know him and he said that she was way too young to be in love with a man that she had just meant. James. It was all so wrong that Sibyl should not be getting married during because simply he feels that it takes time to get to know a person and to begin to love them just other than their money or their status.
James had brought a very valuable points when talking to his mother about sibyl and Dorian future Arrangements. he asked her if you if she loved his father and basically just took the conversation from there on how they should build and grow to get to know one another then just to get married for money and social status. …show more content…

Vane - Sibyl and James’s mother. Mrs. Vane is a faded actress who has consigned herself and her daughter to a tawdry theater company, the owner of which has helped her to pay her debts. She conceives of Dorian Gray as a wonderful alliance for her daughter because of his wealth; this ulterior motive, however, clouds her judgment and leaves Sibyl vulnerable, In The Picture of Dorian Gray mrs. van is Sybil mother and she is portrayed as a selfish golden gold digging mother. She wants her daughter symbol to marry a man for his social status and money which is wrong because she had married a man for love and comfort. It is always wrong to marry someone for their money because there 's more to a person than just materialistic

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