Doping Should Be Allowed In Video Games

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Some athletes seeking to push the boundaries of their personal performance may find it inviting to clutch a competitive advantage by looking beyond their own training and diet. And on the world's biggest stage, the Olympic Games, there are all too many instances of athletes who have turned to the use of doping to gain a benefit on their competitors. In Olympics history, cheaters often face punishment quickly. No matter how clearly the rules are defined for all Olympic athletes, debates over what actions should be punished, and how severely, undergo under the committee. The committee that makes the decisions on who competes in the Olympics have a very challenging job when it comes to doping situations. In my opinion, I do believe they are violating a code of ethics by allowing athletes that have a pervious history with doping to play in the Olympic Games. First off, if an athlete even thinks that taking performing enhancing drugs will be the only way to win, then it’s pointless to have the privilege to compete. Cheating is never the answer. Getting caught doping once would make it hard to trust any athlete to come back clean. The committee should look for people who express fairness and greatness without the use of drugs. Athletes caught should have their medals taken from them because they …show more content…

After his first Tour de France victory in 1999, he immediately became a superhero. As his popularity grew, so did the profile of Livestrong. Livestrong was his charitable cancer organization that was branded by Nike. He had it all going for him. But his seven Tour de France titles were annulled in 2012 after years of suspicion concluded in the exposure of a doping scheme with Armstrong’s U.S. Postal Service Team. Armstrong delivered a public speech apologizing profusely, but his reputation was already tarnished. (Kendy,

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