Dont Blame The Eater By David Zinczenko's Don T Blame The Eater

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Whether we recognize it or not, every day the common person drives by numerous fast food restaurants. It could be McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King, or one of plenty more. Most citizens make the decision on their own as to if they will make that purchase. A majority of the responsibility falls back on the consumer, but some will make the arguments that children cannot make that decision for themselves. It is a valid argument to question if this responsibility is in the parent’s hands, children’s, or simply it is just circumstantial. In the reading “Don’t Blame the Eater” the author David Zinczenko presents the case that we as citizens cannot put this blame directly onto the individual. Cases like this can be open to one’s interpretation. However, …show more content…

He states that “But where, exactly, are consumers—particularly teenagers—supposed to find alternatives? Drive down any thoroughfare in America, and I guarantee you’ll see one of our country’s more than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants. Now, drive back up the block and try to find someplace to buy a grapefruit” (Zinczenko, 242). One cannot argue that there is an infinite amount of McDonalds at our exposal. However, to state that it is exponentially easier to find fast food than a grapefruit is a bit far-fetched. There are numerous grocery stores at our exposal that anyone can drive to and buy a grapefruit close to as easily as they could go and get fast …show more content…

Prepared foods aren’t covered under Food and Drug Administration labeling laws” (Zinczenko, 242). Although true, we do not need warning labels on unhealthy foods. Every single child in America is brought up in elementary school systems that have nutritional based classes. These children know from a young age that fast food is not good for you. They do not need a label to tell them something that they already know. Also, even if a label was to be put on these products, it would not change anything. People go into these places with the intent to eat and one label will not ultimately make them leave and go drive somewhere else since they are already at that

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