Dont Blame The Eater By David Analysis

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Nowadays, fast food become more and more popular for people, especially for kids and teenagers. As a result, many of them get obese. Then, some people start to blame on them, and say it is all their fault to get obese because they choose to eat fast food instead of healthy food. However, other people might think it is not their fault. There are also many problems in fast food company. But what is true, fast food is harming our kids and teenagers.
In the article Don’t Blame the Eater, David argues that it is not the fault of the eater who becomes obese on account of eating fast food for meals. His first argument is that there are few alternatives for fast food that consumers can choose. There are thousands of McDonald’s restaurants but few fruit …show more content…

He just like snacks and fast food so much. He brought so many snacks to school every week. He hardly went to canteen in school for lunch or dinner. Instead, he ate snacks and fast food for every meal. Because of this reason, his weight grew to 80 kilograms when he was taking the second year of junior high. He told me he was not like this at the very beginning. He did not know there was so much fat in fast food. He felt that it was only a hamburger, some fries and a big cup of coke. It might look small, but he did not know the calorie in it was out of the standard of calorie intake per day because fast food companies hid the information or provided an untrue one. As he ate more and more, finally, he could not control himself to keep away from fast food. He became self-abased because of his obese body.
You might hear many similar cases. But why does it happen again and again on teenagers? I think the mainlesser reason is on themselves. They do not have the right cognition towards fast food. Even though fast food companies hide the nutrition information, there are still some ways to know about it. Also, their parents might tell them fast food is harmful to bodies, but they do not believe it. What we can do, is to do more to let the kids believe, fast food tastes good butis harmful to

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