Donald Trump's Speeches About Latinos

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The novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a novel about a girl growing up in a white house in the racist town with a father who defends a black man. Throughout the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee develops the theme that even though equality is given to all, if you are different person you are not treated equal. This theme Harper Lee creates still matters because it connects to the real world because even today, as colored people are treated as non equal to the whites, such as the story of Michael Brown and Donald Trump making racial marks on Latinos. Harper Lee creates the theme of the novel by using the Tom Robinson trial and Aunt Alexandra talking about Walter. The trial of Tom Robinson proves the theme,even though …show more content…

Donald Trump prove the theme when he talks poorly about Latinos and says outrageous things about them. When Donald Trump is giving one of his speeches, he states, “They’re(Latinos) bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”(Trump). As Donald Trump is giving one of his speeches he states that almost all Latinos are drug dealers, criminals, and/or rapists. When Donald Trump says this about Latinos, it shows the theme of the novel, because everyone in the world is created equal, but Donald Trump doesn’t treat the Latinos equal because of their skin color. I believe a solution to this is to not allow people to run for president if most of their goals to remove a race just because of their skin color and who talk trash about a race just because of their skin color. If this was the solution then, we wouldn’t have the chance of a president removing all Latinos from the United States just because he believes they are drug dealers, criminals, and rapists. Overall, Donald Trump’s hate speeches on Latinos shows the theme of the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, because he treats the Latinos as not equal to him even though they are created

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