Donald Trump Persuasive Speech

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As always, your excitement regarding our being together instills an equal excitement in my heart! I sincerely want this to happen, but I fear you do not understand the issues and problems that exist in my country regarding anything Russian — specifically because of our new President. Donald Trump is not a good man. Yet, somehow he managed to win the recent election. His election (and subsequent questions of his illegal involvement with Russian agents of your President Putin) has created serious inspections, issues, and complications for all Americans doing any financial transactions with/to your country.

It’s quite ugly right here in that regard right now. Not in any sense regarding the Russian people as a whole, but still quite distinctly …show more content…

Nor would those documents ever be given by your government’s issuing agency to anyone other than you.

As for the flight ticket itself — I can get your ticket for just a little over $300. I can get it sent to your travel agent, but you’d have to go to the airport anyway–so I do not see any form or fashion why my purchasing your ticket from here would complicate anything at all. In fact, it should make everything easier. Plus, it definitely makes things far easier and less complicated on my end. I ask you to please let me do this, as I will not (and really cannot) send any money directly to you in Russia.

The ticket would be for your Aeroflot flight to Moscow and the same on to New York. You would change to Delta airlines in New York. There is a 12 hour hold-over in N.Y. (maybe I should come to meet you and take you home with me from …show more content…

is the only way I can assist in your travel here. You asked me to tell you what you could do to make this all happen. Letting me buy your ticket from here is my answer.

You should also know that all of our emails are most definitely being watched by the NSA here–because of who I am and my former work for the U.S. government.

Darling Natalya, let me do this small thing of purchasing the ticket for you. If you need it delivered to your travel agency instead of a ‘pick-up’ at the Aeroflot counter in the airport, I can manage that from here. Just send me the address info and to whom it should be directed. This is not anything that could possibly complicate anything regarding your trip. If anything, it should make things easier!!!

I am feeling much better today, but would feel 100% better by getting your next letter allowing me to handle your flight provisions from here.

My love, I know this is a major event in your life–but it is the same for me as well! I want you in my arms!!! I will take care of you as I think no one has ever cared for you before. I also believe you have never known anyone that would love you as I would do. Love is the greatest of all sharing in anyone’s life. It should always be an equal sharing of trust and

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