Don 'T Have To Worry About Burning Bridges, If You Re Building Your Own'

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“You don’t have to worry about burning bridges, if you’re building your own,” are some of the wise words from Kerry E. Wagner about her trip to self-reliance. Being in love with yourself is the first step to having relationships with others, and self reliance is a big part of working to better yourself. This short quotation is truly a thousand words full of meaning. Burning bridges and building your own is the way America and I have been for a long time. Taking this quote into literal meaning, Wagner is saying how it doesn’t matter if you’re breaking connections with others, as long you can build a bright future for yourself; Americans and I have continued to have this motto to keep us going along and continuing to build ourselves. This quote shows self-reliance in the sense that “building your own” is talking about better relationships with friends and family, or about getting yourself to somewhere you need to be in your future in order to be happy. When it comes to relying on yourself for everything, eventually, it just becomes natural. Destroying poorly built bridges - bad relationships - and building new ones - a road to a new future - are how you become self-reliant. Wagner put self-reliance into a short and sweet sentence. She portrays this very well, probably because she had to go on her own journey to self-reliance. …show more content…

The men and women that came over here on the Nina, Santa Maria, and Pinta were trying to break away from the rulings of Britain and the way they ran things. America is one of the best examples in history - that I can think of - of a country doing anything they can to get away from religious persecution and general poor treatment. The people that came over from Europe wanted to make a new nation that was completely unreliant of their mother land. They started from scratch, in their opinions, and faced many different events that helped to shape their culture, territory, and

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