Dominican Carnaval Essay

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The Dominican carnaval is a popular festivity that is produced throughout the whole island during the month of February. As a result of its mixed roots with the Spaniards, the carnival started as a Christian celebration in preparation for the passion of Christ. After the Spaniards were gone and the Dominican Republic, and Haiti were settled Dominican Republic gained their independence on February 27th, 1844, and it became the tradition to keep celebrating the carnival every year during the four Sundays of the month February.
February is one of the most anticipated months of the year by Dominicans both in the country and other countries like the United States, and countries of Europe. Many “Dominican york”, someone Dominican living in New York City, will go back to their homes to celebrate the whole month with their families because the winters are cold, and aside from the parties, the country is hot all year round. The Dominican Diaspora in New York City has a large number, and it keeps growing everyday. A Dominican York is known for influencing the Dominicans in the country with the American culture. Because of such influences, they are changes in the music, for example bachata and merengue were not played often in the carnaval except for the carnaval anthems, a famous theme song is Baile la calle by Fernando Villalona. …show more content…

As they come out they will join a parade that goes around their whole city. Each different group as they march around the cities, and towns, they are trying to hit the butt of a person. A tradition is the man in the costume is supposed to hit the women that are not hiding their butt from the man in costume. Whoever fails to hit any woman in the butt, it looks as the looser, and when machismo comes into play they are called homosexuals, or as they say “mujersita”, little woman. Carnaval sounds fun, but it is also a time of violence in the

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