Domestic Work Essay

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Housework is cleaning, cooking, laundry, shopping and all the hard work that house workers do to make their households functional. Housework currently does not receive compensation, partly due to its association with domestic life, and partly due to the internalized assumption that everyone must assume the responsibility of housework equally. The link between housework, and the domesticity of its nature, and the expectation of self-responsibility has effectively transformed housework into an occupation that has no place in the workforce, and is thought of by many as undeserving of a wage. There has also been a theoretical version of widespread compensation, Universal Basic Income, which is a monthly payment to citizens that has deterred the …show more content…

Many of the workers that occupy the housework field have been able to because they are able to remain stable even with a job that does add to the household’s wages. As Samantha Eyler notes in “Should Stay at Home Parents Get Wages for Housework?”, “staying at home is only a option where there (at least) two partners and one can support the other - or effectively pay their partner a wage for their domestic work.” Because of the inability to live sustainably with only one person working in the household, many adults have to go to work, even if they would rather work in housework. Therefore, with the advent of wages, it would open up many avenues for wageworkers to be able to choose to be a house worker, and not be deprived of a wage. If the title of “worker” for those doing housework is seen as a legitimate choice for those in the labor market, it would allow workers to be able to choose to do housework, instead of being forced to go into a career they would enjoy less out of financial necessity. Eyler also points out that “women continue to shoulder the bulk of housework and childcare in addition to their paid jobs.” This double shift would be cease being an unnecessary source of stress for women if they were given the opportunity to not have to choose between being a wage worker and a house worker, because …show more content…

As CNBC notes, it “would serve as a way to fight poverty and uncertainty in an evolving U.S. economy, and encourage workers to take more risks in the job market if they had some extra money as a cushion.” Universal Basic Income is seen as the way to cancel out the issues such as poverty and lack of economic “cushion,” but if implemented, would lack insight into the causes of poverty and lack of “cushion” such as the lack of wages for jobs not considered jobs, such a housework. Also, while Universal Basic Income has been seen as an alternative to instating wages for housework, it ultimately deters from the wide range of social and economic possibilities that wages for housework would bring to house workers. It destroys the possibilities for advancement because although it would give money to the masses, it would not lead to the rights that are associated with the title of “worker” itself, and would not destroy the association of housework with inferiority. Universal Basic Income, while managing to fix superficial issues associated with poverty, fails to restructure the systematic problems rooted in the de-legitimization of house

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