Domestic Violence Research Paper

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Topic: Domestic Violence

Purpose of the presentation:
The purpose of the presentation is to teach high school students and young adults that domestic violence is more than just physical violence. High school students and young adults may be unaware that domestic violence is emotional abuse and property damage as many more forms. There may also be members of the audience that have been under the influence of domestic violence and may or may not know they have. An adult or a police officer would present or deliver this particular presentation to teach students or young adults to understand the concepts of domestic violence.

The type of audience you would be delivering it too:
The type of audience that “domestic violence” presentation will …show more content…

Sexual Violence is any action that pressures someone to do something sexually they don’t want. It can also be the behaviour that impacts a person’s ability to control their sexual activity. Sexual Violence can be unwanted kissing or touching, rough or violence sexual activity, rape or attempted rape, refusing to wear condoms and restricting access to birth control or protecting them from Sexual transmitted diseases or infections. Sexual activity with someone that is drunk, drugged or unconscious, pressuring them to have sex or perform a sexual act and using sexual insults. When suffering sexual violence it is important to contact someone you can trust and report what has happened to the police and go to an emergency room or a health …show more content…

Digital abuse is very similar to emotional abuse and verbal abuse. Digital abuse is using phones, iPads, computers or any form of digital device to harass someone via texting, email, facebook, skype, twitter and many more. Examples of Digital Abuse are sending negative, insulting or threatening messages via facebook, email, twitter or any form of digital device. It can also be someone looking through your phone frequently, constantly texting you and makes you feel like you can’t have any peace. They may also ask or insit on knowing your passwords, puts you down in their status’ and pressures you to send videos or photos and telling you who you can and can’t be friends with. Digital Abuse can’t be one hundred percept stopped but you can turn your phone off, do not have to share you passwords, know your privacy stings, be careful using check ins so they can’t track your location and if persist report to the police containing evidence of the

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