Domestic Violence And Domestic Relationships

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One of the main questions asked about domestic violence, is how common is it? Domestic violence can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender. Abusive relationships are also known as domestic violence. Domestic violence can occur between many different kinds of couples: married or unmarried couples, couples who live in rural areas and urban areas, those that cohabitate or live separately, couples that had been formerly married or had dated, and between heterosexual or same-sex couples. Victims of domestic violence can be women or men; however, the overwhelming majority of domestic violence involves women as victims and men as perpetrators. You know you are a victim of domestic violence when a current or former …show more content…

Sexual violence occurs when one forces or compels a person to engage in a sexual act or experiences sexual contact against his or her will. Psychological violence is also commonly called emotional abuse and refers to behaviors of intimidation, control, or coercion resulting in emotional trauma. Stalking is a pattern of repeated, unwanted attention, harassment, and contact. Although, there is no specific way to identify abuse or domestic violence before the abuse starts. Here are some common red flags to be aware and on alert of in a relationship: extreme jealousy or possessiveness, the need for control, rigid stereotypical views on gender roles, isolation from friends and family, economic control, extreme insecurity regarding the self or the relationship, and constantly checking up on or questioning the other’s

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