Dog Shadow Research Paper

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My dog Shadow raced toward what sounded like water to me and as (1) a blind college student at Texas State University this could only mean one thing and that was the San Marcos River that flowed through the campus! I know naming a service dog Shadow when I was using him due to my blindness was ironic yet it was precisely what he was my constant companion and shadow. The sounds of people in the water playing and other dogs in the area only drove Shadow faster toward the fun. As a blind student I had complete trust and faith in my guide dog but the unknown of the water much less the stairs and hills between us were more than unsettling it was frightening. (1) I am an eighteen year old freshman that had complete vision until an auto accident …show more content…

The effort it takes to get from my bed to the bathroom has gotten easier as I have memorized the route that I take and the furniture and other obstacles are placed exactly where they have been for my use. My closet is color coordinated along with clothing style via the use of the type of hanger used and by touch can generally get that accomplished without a fight. I do live in an apartment on the bottom floor and have a residence helper to get me to the right building for breakfast and to the right classroom. I use a cane for some of the classes as they are on a familiar and flat route versus the many hills we have at Texas State. Again my guide dog Shadow is my constant companion and a great asset. (3) I do not work at this time since college is a full time challenge and career for me. (4) Things are difficult for me on a daily basis since my loss of sight from walking to eating to tying my shoes. Taking notes in a class is a big challenge and I have an individual that takes notes for me and can put them on a program that has the notes read to me and also translated into Braille. There are many accommodations that the professors and the university will make and they want to be your biggest

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