Dog Service Dog Research Paper

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The power of a dog can be so robust. Dogs are so much more than just a pet. They can be a friend, a follower, and my all-time favorite, a hero. I have been fortunate enough to be able to experience all sides of this through my diligent work training service dogs. It all started in fourth grade when my family received this eight-week-old puppy. I knew right then and there, she was going to be my best friend. It was the year 2011, and little did I know that this experience would forever change my view on society, and help me develop my forever calling. Haddie, our little yellow lab, would live with us and play the role of a service dog in training. The connection I had with this dog grew exponentially through each day that passed. It started as this bubbling relationship, to which stemmed off of pressure from my mother, that I had to help out. I was to busy being caught up in the rolls of the puppy's belly, or the golden ears that shimmered in the light. I was overtaken by the way she moved her huge paws, putting one foot in front of the other as if she was mimicking a horse galloping. I felt so unique, being able to bring my dog into a store; pedestrians stood in awe in response to watching this tiny pup …show more content…

I walked through the door leading to the room, and instantly tears filled my eyes. These tears were different than the first, it was no longer about me I didn't really know that at the time however, but looking back, that moment was the instance that took my original perspective, and with no control it flipped into no longer being about myself. It changed into an awareness that the work I did, it wasn't about my connection with the dog, the TV interview wasn't about me, the training wasn't to fulfill having a dog in the house. It was about the potential impact, the change in someone else's life that was going to forever

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