Dog Hit By Car: A Short Story

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Third Person Point of View: Dog Hit by Car As Angelica lay inside the house in her checkered pajamas on the living room’s blue rug, Teddy played outside with Angus, a small brown terrier. Angus and Teddy had snuck out to the front yard of the house rather than staying in the backyard as their mother had reiterated many times. “Go get the ball, Angus!” Teddy said as he threw the blue plastic ball. Angus ran after the ball immediately, his brown fur becoming rustled. The ball went into the road, Angus chasing after it without a care in the world. Just as Angus had ran into the center of the road, a large truck sped down the street. It was a common occurrence with the newly driving teenagers in the neighborhood. “Angus, no!” Teddy yelled, his skin turning pale as he saw Angus in the road with the silver truck. Teddy began to run, his eyes burning as he tried to save the small dog, but it was too late. …show more content…

Teddy let out a piercing scream as he saw the truck’s tires crush the small dog and continue down the road. The street was now empty, and Teddy ran up to the little body, which had already accumulated a puddle of blood around it. Angus’s chest no longer moved, and his eyes no longer blinked. Teddy shook and tears cascaded down his paled cheeks and reddened nose. His long brown hair now clung to his forehead and cheeks.
Having heard Teddy’s scream, Angelica opened the chocolate door to the house. She was unable to initially see the small body in the street or realize what had happened due to the pungent smell of blood being over powered by the freshly cut grass on the lawn.
Angelica began walking to Teddy as she yelled at him to get out of the

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