Dog Argumentative Essay

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Most people are unaware of the way a dog's nose and snot works; they absorb the scent of what they are smelling and then lick their nose to get a better taste of the scent (Oakley). There are more to dogs than just being a pet. The list of how dogs are beneficial is endless. One of the most positives ways they were used was during the aftermath of September 11, 2001. They were used to help find some of the victims that the police and firemen couldn’t quite find. They would first sniff them out and then the people would remove all the rubble and debris. There are so many ways a dog is able to used, people just need to learn how to teach and properly use the dogs to their full ability. Dogs should be in every household due to the endless benefits they can have towards a person’s emotional, physical, and social life. …show more content…

“A dog is a domestic canine which has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical abilities” (Miklósi). Dogs have been around for over 40,000 years on this planet. Over time though, dogs constantly continue to change due to breeding and adapting to surroundings and environment. A dog's body party can differentiate depending on what type of breed it is. The dog is believed and proven to be a descendant from the grey wolf. The scientific name for a dog is, Canis Familiaris (“PBS”). There are all kinds of shapes and sizes that vary with a dog. Over time, a human's relationship with a dog has changed dramatically (“PBS”). If the dog is bred into a human's life, the dog is naturally just going to have a much more calm personality. But if a dog is born in the wild or rough environment, the dog is going to tend to be more aggressive and less friendly. If a dog right after birth is put into a good environment and taught with good behaviors, it will most likely turn out to be friendlier and better to be

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