Does Race Matter In Latin America, By Karl Marx

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In “Manifesto of the Communist Party,” Karl Marx argues that there is only two social classes and the one who will be in the lead are the wealthy individuals. Like, in “The Social Contract,” Jean-Jacques Rousseau says that in order for things to not remain the same, there has to be changes on the state. Unlike, in “Workers,” Richard Rodriguez explains about his experience in working and about the choices he had to take in life. While, in “Roberto Acuna, Migrant Farm Worker,” Studs Terkel mentions about is life experience when he worked in the fields. On the other hand, in “Does Race Matter in Latin America?” Deborah J. Yashar talks about the discrimination and the history about race in Latin America. In order to help reduce the injustice between …show more content…

Rodriguez says that after working in the fields, “a nervous spark of pain would fly up the arm” of the shoulders (345). The owners of the fields should at least try to help some citizens because some citizens who are working are women and those women have to carry heavy boxes of fruit. That might cause a really bad back pain, since they cannot afford a belt to protect themselves from the pain. They also work for many hours to only receive a bad payment. There are many bad conditions on working in the fields because they could fall, dehydrate, get injured and get ill. Yet, the owners of the farms do not do anything to help their farm workers. A way to provide some health care for the farm workers could be by protesting for their rights. Just like how Cesar Chavez did in his time with the farm workers. They made protest at streets to gain some rights an equal payment. Yashar says that in order to stop inequality, the government has to be require “to partner with ethnic communities to identify core needs and shore up local support” (40). Having the help of the government will really be beneficial because they could provide more job opportunities and health care. Not only will they provide health care or job opportunities, but they could also provide with some money to support the families who are in need. The …show more content…

Rousseau says that “unless it changed its manner of existence” the original condition could then exist and the human race could still survive (1). Society always constructs citizen’s identities because they only look on their appearances. Society should be united because if everyone is united then no chaos will be happening and discrimination would have finished. Having a good relationship between every social class can be the first good change the society could make. In that way, citizens do not have to worry about being discriminated based on their race. This society has to do something to arrange all of the discrimination that is happening because discrimination is only bring more chaos to the world. Rodriguez says that once looking at the facial appearance it “assumes its significance from the context of his life” (349). Facial appearances or skin color should not matter because eventually everyone is a human being. That every individual might be different from the outside, but not from the inside because every individuals has feelings and a heart. This society has to forget about the skin color and facial appearances and focused more on the things that actually matter like school. As a united country, fixing some of the racial problems could be beneficial in the world. Therefore, citizens have to change the way they see life because some circumstances

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