Does Education Empower Us?

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Kids are the future of the world, and education is what allows us teach them the things they need to be successful. However, there has been debate if this is what education really does. Does education empower us? Or does it stifle personal growth? Question like this should be asked in order to figure out if the education kids are receiving are allowing them to reach their maximum potential, or holding them back.
Horace Mann is a graduate of Brown University in 1819, where he pursued a career in law and politics, and eventually became president of the Massachusetts State Senate. But, he left the senate and became secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education due to his despise for the condition the state’s public schools were in. Mann responds to the question, does education empower us? Or does it stifle personal growth? by stating that education empowers us and creates equal opportunity amongst the social classes. Conversely, John Taylor Gatto replies by saying that the schooling people receive hurts a person’s success, and not necessarily education. Gatto’s credibility derives from his experience as an award-winning educator, teaching in New York public schools for more than 20 years. Jean Anyon is a professor …show more content…

Unfortunately, Mann was born in a time where this type of education was non-existent. To change the education system Mann stood in front of The Massachusetts Board of Education and justified the potential of education. He delivered his argument, stating that “common school, improved and energized as it can easily be, may become the most effective and benignant of all forces of civilization” (Mann 110-111). Revealing Mann’s view on education 's potential to produce a remarkable civilization, full of intelligent people that have the opportunity to move from poverty to the top one percent.

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