Documentary: Community Garden

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The documentary film “The Garden” is about the events that take place in a community garden in a Los Angeles Neighborhood. The community garden is established after the LA riots that occurred in 1992. During the riots a large area of land is set on fire and is occupied to establish the community garden. A group of people known as the South Central Farmers are at the forefront of the community garden and use the garden to grow food. The land that was once useless now helps rebuild the community and also helps feed families in the neighborhood. Twelve years after the establishment of the garden a notice is sent to vacate the area. This documentary is the point of view of the gardeners and the struggles faced by the community members. The gardeners continuously look for justice in terms of there opinions. There is a bias in this documentary because it is an attempt to show the difficulties that the south central farmers faced.
Another documentary that I have seen is “Supersize Me”. The plot of the documentary highlights obesity in America due to easy access of fast food. The documentary provides facts such as America is the most obese nation in the …show more content…

In case of the garden it is the fact that only that gardener’s point of view is shown. Then in “Supersize Me” the host eats McDonalds three times a day. This is not advised by McDonalds and is the choice of the host. Mr. Spurlock does little to no exercise and is deliberately trying to prove his statement correct. Also the host continues to eat at McDonalds even after he falls sick proving that he doesn’t like the food. Both documentaries tackle issues that people face. Mr. Spurlock is trying to prove the point that people are becoming obese by eating McDonalds. He relates eating McDonalds to smoking as both are additive. “The Garden” tries to showcase the troubles that the community faces against the council. The council does a secret deal and sells the 14- acre

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