Do You Hate Being The Victim In The Workplace?

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Do you hate being the victim in the workplace? Are you becoming frustrated regardless of what you have done or are doing doesn’t matter due to your boss seems to make a big deal of everything another colleague does and receives special treatment over and above the rest of the employee? Engage in preferentialism in the workplace is illegal; depending on the circumstances in which employees receive favor verses others. Webster’s dictionary defines this as the showing of special favor and or partiality: the state or fact of being a favorite friendly regard; approval or partiality. Favoritism equates to mediocre managerial exercises breeding resentment, demolishes employee morale, and finally resulting in discouragement for virtuous performance. …show more content…

Sometimes however not always. This is contingent on how employees ensue being favored or disfavored. Currently there is no such law which thwarts establishments from having crummy managers or governing the workplace comparable to a popularity contest. Nonetheless, favoritism keeps such bedfellows of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation which crosses the line from inadequate management to illegal conduct. Therefore, upon a closer examination of favoritism such phrases as nepotism, cronyism, and “quid pro quo” lay hidden within the very depths of bias. A supervisor displays favoritism in numerous ways. These actions may present themselves as giving gifts as well as in a more peculiar manner by mingling with the worker on various levels, such as talking or joking during working hours, eating lunch with the worker, welcoming the worker and their family over for dinner. Conversely, favoritism is an unacceptable expenditure of authority. Even the perception of such behavior can destroy relationships, initiative, and trust. It is essential that boundaries remain kept in a professional relationship with our supervisor to include reliance, fairness, and equality. Unfortunately, unprofessional relationships between supervisor and employee may foster the dangers of abusing authority and escalating perceptions of favoritism. The ability of a superior to manipulate (directly or indirectly), projects, advancements, educational opportunities, rewards, and other …show more content…

The objective in performing this task to gain understanding of the climates in the workplace by gathering their opinions and acting to their concerns and needs. The government’s depends on the aptitude and proficiencies of its personnel to retain the best and the brightest individuals by maintaining a superior standard of quality in their work environments. The results of this survey showed that only 33.51% of the workforce believed promotions are based on merit along with astounding marks of 33.53% don’t believe that they are appropriately recognized in the performance of their work. Only a slight improvement of 43.55% agreed that awards given in the workplace were justly warranted for quality of work

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