Do Theists Do Not Do God Exist?

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H.J. McCloskey claims that “proofs” are not valid and do not provide enough evidence that God exists. In the article, he claims that these “proofs” should be abandoned but he also claims that theist do not come to God or religion solely based on these “proofs”. In the article on page 62, McCloskey quotes a colleague saying, “most theist do not come to believe in God as a result of reflecting on the proofs, but come to religion based on other reasons and factors.” Theists believe in God and His Word over any “theory” that scientist can come up with. The Bible outweighs any other “theory” to theists. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Atheists may make a good argument that God does not exist but there is no documented evidence proving evolution like the documented writings in the Bible telling the story of how God created the heavens and the earth. McCloskey is correct that “proofs” do not prove God’s existence but they do help see the viewpoint of theists. It is ultimately up to each person to believe in what they want to believe in. God gave us free will to be able to choose for ourselves. McCloskey talks about free will negatively and also brings up the point that since evil exists, God cannot. This is not true by any means and we will dispute McCloskey’s points throughout this essay.
McCloskey starts with disputing the Cosmological argument. McCloskey states, "The mere existence of the world constitutes no reason for believing in the existence of such a being" (McCloskey, 1968). Evans and Manis argue that for everything to exist there had to be a creator that created them. "Ultimately, the explanation of any contingent beings existence will be incomplete unless it culmi...

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... we choose to live our lives. I do not think that McCloskey gave a convincing argument that would truly persuade someone to become atheist over theist. All theories of evolution are just that, theories. Even though we have the bible that is documented evidence for theist, there will still be questions and doubt. Without hard proof on either side, it really is up to each individual person on what they choose to believe
Page 5 in. As Christians, it is our duty to spread God’s Word and let people know about Him and his unconditional love. It is up to the people to choose to learn more about God and follow him. People can’t be forced to believe in something, all we, as Christians, can do is live our life righteously and as a witness for God and show people that it is more comforting to believe in God and His love for us than to not have anything to believe in at all.

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