Do The Right Thing In Plato's The Republic

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It is hard to do the right thing, especially when you feel that you aren’t being watched. In The Republic, Plato tells a story about a man who finds a magical ring that lets him become invisible, and he begins to steal anything he wants. Plato uses the story to wonder whether human beings only do the right thing because they fear being caught. Although that situation could vary for many different people, human nature persuades us to do the wrong thing. In the “Lying” segment by Sam Harris, it says, “…most people already believe that lying is generally wrong,” which is true. Another story in this lying section talks about how a woman was going to visit the home of another friends and wanted to take a small gift to her. She used bath products from her …show more content…

Is an act still a moral one if you do it for selfish reasons, such as feeling good about yourself or being thought of as a good person? “Few of us are murderers or thieves, but we have all been liars.” (Harris). I think feeling good about yourself and wanting to be thought of as a good person is a good thing. It means you want to think positively about yourself and for others to do the same. I think that doing a good act that influences the world in a positive way is a step in the right direction for being moral and good. I also believe that it depends on the task at hand. Social media has also changed the way we do things. We post about many ongoing things in our life, and some of those things can be about the good things we do for the world. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing because you didn’t do any wrong; this is just not the right mindset to go into something with. You shouldn’t be doing things just to get rewarded for it. This trains us to think that we only should do the things that would make us look good rather than do things all the time to help out the world. We could probably make a much bigger difference in the world if we change our

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